Starting in cool weather

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Starting in cool weather


Post: # 32767Unread post Glitch
Wed Oct 21, 2020 8:55 am

Does anyone have suggestions for any pollinators that can handle cooler temperatures for an early start? I can start some seeds inside to get an early start on spring flowers, but it takes up precious real estate from my tomato and pepper starts.

I recently read that poppies do better when the seeds are sown in the fall, so I will be doing that soon. Looking for tips like that. Thanks!
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Re: Starting in cool weather


Post: # 32770Unread post fluffy_gumbo
Wed Oct 21, 2020 10:40 am

Most bulbs flowers (tulips, lilies, hyacinths, daffodils and my favorite ranunculus) all need to be planted in the fall and blooms in the early spring! Poppies, pansies and snapdragons will also appreciate cooler weather as well!
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Re: Starting in cool weather


Post: # 32772Unread post Glitch
Wed Oct 21, 2020 10:45 am

I have some bulbs planted already, but my daydreams for new additions are too expensive for now. :lol:

Pansies and snapdragons are great suggestions! I already have plenty of snapdragon seeds, just wasn't sure when to plant them.
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Re: Starting in cool weather


Post: # 32775Unread post rossomendblot
Wed Oct 21, 2020 12:28 pm

Sweet peas, perhaps?

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Re: Starting in cool weather


Post: # 32778Unread post SpookyShoe
Wed Oct 21, 2020 1:39 pm

Can you plant dianthus and snapdragon? In my area these are winter flowers, and I have seen bees on them.
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Re: Starting in cool weather


Post: # 32792Unread post bower
Wed Oct 21, 2020 6:26 pm

Aside from the early bulbs, the earliest perennial flowers here are primroses, cowslips, lungwort (pulmonaria), and pasque flowers.
Actually we didn't do so well with the primroses, most of them didn't live more than a season or two, I believe they are perennial in better climates. But the cowslips are tenacious and the lungwort is fantastic, with fairly extended bloom period as well. I only wish it would spread more and faster. I'd like to have patches of it all around the garden.
Another really early flower is coltsfoot, the flowers look a bit like dandelions and come out before the leaves. Thay would do well in a ditch anywhere - the flowers are a pleasing sight though after a long winter!
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Re: Starting in cool weather


Post: # 32803Unread post Growing Coastal
Wed Oct 21, 2020 9:02 pm

One flower I always spot early bees on is the crocus, another bulb that conveniently disappears for the summer.

Also, I noticed a witch hazel blooming in the park the other day. Apparently one of the first to bloom in late winter and also one of the last to bloom, in the fall.

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Re: Starting in cool weather


Post: # 32813Unread post Glitch
Thu Oct 22, 2020 8:05 am

Lungwort is lovely and I have just the spot for them. Thank you for the suggestion! It's always nice to find new (to me) perennials. Pasque flowers are another I have not heard of before.

I had no idea how large witch hazel gets! I don't think this property is a good fit, but I will definitely keep it in mind for the next. Thanks! The exploding seed pods were also fun to read about.
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Re: Starting in cool weather


Post: # 32882Unread post Shule
Fri Oct 23, 2020 8:34 pm

Try bunching onions (Allium fistulosum in particular: e.g. Crimson Forest). Grow them as perennials, without harvesting the bulbs, if you want plenty of plants (harvesting greens before they flower is fine). They flower in the spring, significantly earlier than Allium cepa. That's what I noticed interested our bees most in the spring. Note that they don't flower their first year from seed, but they should flower every year after that, including from bulbs you split up (and the bulbs multiply). Bunching onions don't take loads of space. Ornamental onions take more. Some bunching onion varieties are taller or shorter than others. Our bees also enjoyed our ornamental Alliums in the spring.
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Re: Starting in cool weather


Post: # 139701Unread post karstopography
Wed Nov 27, 2024 11:04 pm

I planted Ranunculus corms today. Weather taking a cooler turn tonight so the time felt right.
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