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Carolyns seeds update

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2020 10:30 am
by hybrid
I hope all have had a successful season. Farmer Shawn has agreed to try and help make Carolyn's seeds available. This is an huge task. I had mentioned before when I found Carolyn's seed there was no order how they were stored or even cataloged. To make matters worse she kept them in three different types of containers. Some were in small plastic vials, some in small brown envelopes and some in regular size mailing envelopes. My wife Ann took the time to put the seeds in each container in alphabetical order. There are over 1000 different varieties and some older. I would not expect that all would be successful in germination. It is easy to see what a difficult task Shawn as agreed to undertake and I would hope all are patient . Dave

Re: Carolyns seeds update

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2020 10:56 am
by wykvlvr
Many thanks to you and to your wife for the work already done. Many if not all of us are more then willing to be patient as he handles the extraordinary task he has chosen to take on.

Re: Carolyns seeds update

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2020 11:45 am
by MissS
Thank you so very much to Hybrid, Ann and Farmer Shawn for your devotion, time and effort to keep Carolyn's collection alive. My gratitude is immeasurable.

Re: Carolyns seeds update

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2020 2:03 pm
by Rockoe10
A simple, city gardener here happily waiting patiently.

Re: Carolyns seeds update

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2020 4:27 pm
by bower
I know you have a truly dedicated partner there in Shawn, to take on this task. Thank you Dave and Ann, and Shawn, for such a worthwhile effort. It is without a doubt what Carolyn would be most pleased to see. Wonderful gift to the world.

Re: Carolyns seeds update

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2020 5:51 pm
by HL2601
I echo what others have said! A hearty thank you to everyone for working together to organize and redistribute such a legacy.

As I organize this year's Carolyn tribute, perhaps as Shawn goes forward with offers, people may want to do grow outs and send seed so we can distribute to as many who will grow them and keep them alive as is possible. The tribute could become ongoing each year for as many as want to do this. Chime in if you have thoughts ( pro or con) on this and we can see if there's any interest...

Re: Carolyns seeds update

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2020 7:21 pm
by rxkeith
you picked a good guy in shawn. he took a lot of time making seeds available to all
the past two years. with so many varieties to sort through, may be shawn can recruit
a dedicated few who can help organize, categorize or otherwise sort seeds. it is a long
winter up there in maine where shawn is, but there is always work needing done on a farm.
it might make the task less daunting.


Re: Carolyns seeds update

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 7:59 am
by FarmerShawn
I am humbled by the responsibility, and appreciative of the support. I guess organizing and sharing seeds is a good way to stay isolated in an ongoing pandemic.
Things are slowing down here; garlic planting is on today's agenda. Last night I started moving this year's saved tomato seeds from the drying plates to the coin envelopes, which looks like a huge task at the moment.
Then I need to divvy up the ones destined for the Carolyn Tribute offer, and get them sent off.
Then I can turn my attention to the incoming flood of seeds to list, maybe find info on, and decide on the nature and details of getting them distributed. (And maybe selecting a few to try out myself!)
Anyway, I am looking forward to the challenge, and to a seed-&-tomato-centered winter! And, to the arrival of the first installment of Carolyn 's collection.

Re: Carolyns seeds update

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 8:44 am
by KathyDC
[mention]FarmerShawn[/mention], I am happy to help in whatever way I can - organizing, labeling, tracking, mailing, etc. I could even help with grow outs. I just have a backyard garden, I usually grow 16-18 tomato plants. At present, my ever-changing grow list includes Tolstushka, Pappy Kerns and Sakharnyi Gigant all from her seed that you sent me earlier this year. I can expand that to other varieties that are especially in need of reinvigoration (perhaps the older varieties that get less viable as time passes now).

I'm sure you will have many offers of help, which is a blessing. Let me know if I can assist somehow.

Re: Carolyns seeds update

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 11:23 am
by KarenO
Hello, I’m not very familiar with how to use this site so I hope this is correct,
I have 40 pkts of Yellow brandywine (Platfoot strain) for the project as promised. Can you please message me the address to send them
Best wishes,

Re: Carolyns seeds update

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 4:21 pm
by MissS
KarenO wrote: Thu Oct 22, 2020 11:23 am Hello, I’m not very familiar with how to use this site so I hope this is correct,
I have 40 pkts of Yellow brandywine (Platfoot strain) for the project as promised. Can you please message me the address to send them
Best wishes,
[mention]KarenO[/mention], this is where to send the seeds. Platfoot is a good one.

* Please send your seeds, your list of requests with your name and your screen name and your self addressed stamped envelope/bubble mailer to:
He-ide -Do-lan
5_2_0_8 S. G-e-n-e-v-a St.
E_n_g_l_e_w_o_o_d, CO 8-0-1--11

Re: Carolyns seeds update

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2020 7:42 pm
by HL2601
Thank you Patti for always being on top of things and I will be on the look out for your seeds KarenO!