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Disappearing posts

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2019 11:25 pm
by Sue_CT
I mentioned in the threa about a name for this forum, that I have had 3 or 4 posts disappear. It just happened again. I posted in the what is your favorite pepper thread and now I look right after I post, and I got out and went back in and it was gone. I haven't been drinking, I swear, lol. Maybe we should keep track of this here. Might be a glitch just with my account, I have that kind of luck, lol. But maybe not. So try to keep a lookout for this happening and post here if it does.


Re: Disappearing posts

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2019 12:22 am
by eyegrotom
Sue your post is in These users thanked the author

Re: Disappearing posts

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2019 10:37 am
by Sue_CT
I just went and looked in "These users thanked the author" and can't find a post from me. There are 6 posts in that thread, the 1st 2 are Salt, then I think MissS, someone else and then 2 from Worth. I don't see any thing from me. Do you still see it there?

Re: Disappearing posts

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2019 10:47 am
by ddsack
Sue, I see two posts from you in the Pepper thread, should there be more?

Could it be that you are using the back button to go back to the thread right after you post, which might show it as it was before you posted, instead of doing a refresh which would add the new item? ? ?

Re: Disappearing posts

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2019 10:53 am
by Sue_CT
No, I posted in the Tread of names for this forum, Rajun saw it, and then neither one of us could find it later. Some of my posts do fine, but also there are several that disappeared and I posted them again. If that was happening I should have ended up with a duplicate post, but I do not. I do tend to use the back button but it doesn't happen all the time.

I do see that I have a double post in the pepper thread, so maybe that is what happened that time, or maybe it took a minute for the post to show up for some reason. But I am not seeing more mulitple posts and it has happened at least 5 times now. Feel like I am going crazy here so I am glad Rajun saw that one on Names for the Forum before it disappeared. I will go back and look at that thread again and see if it pops back up. It was right after Rajun posted asking if we were ready to do a poll, and I put suggestions of Tomatotalk, tomatotown, tomatocountry and a couple of others.

Re: Disappearing posts

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2019 11:00 am
by ddsack
Sounds like the gremlins have it in for you! :twisted: :mrgreen: :o

Re: Disappearing posts

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2019 6:57 am
by Shule
[mention]Sue_CT[/mention] Are you still having problems? Every time you've mentioned that when I've looked, I've seen the post. Maybe it just disappears for a while and comes back.

What kind of device are you using?

Re: Disappearing posts

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2019 10:58 am
by Sue_CT
No problems for a while now, but you would see the post because I repost when I see it disappeared. It hasn't happened for a couple of days at least now.

Re: Disappearing posts

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2019 11:08 am
by Rajun Gardener
I noticed that some of my posts do not actually post when I click Submit. I have to click submit twice especially on a big post where it fills the new post view window. Just make sure it actually did post before leaving the topic till I figure out what's going on.

Re: Disappearing posts

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2019 11:23 am
by MissS
At first I too had posts disappear as I tried to post them. So then after drafting it, I put it into the "Preview" and posted from there without any issues. It seems to be working fine now though.

Re: Disappearing posts

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2019 5:38 pm
by Sue_CT
That could have been what happened, maybe I needed to hit submt twice and didn't realize it didn't post the first time, but Rajun, you thought you saw the first post and then it disappeared, so not sure what happened there. Interesting.

Re: Disappearing posts

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2019 7:36 pm
by Shule
Sue_CT wrote: Tue Dec 17, 2019 10:58 am No problems for a while now, but you would see the post because I repost when I see it disappeared. It hasn't happened for a couple of days at least now.
I would see two posts of yours that said the same thing in different words.

Re: Disappearing posts

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2019 7:58 pm
by Growing Coastal
On second thought, I went back and reviewed the frozen tomato thread and it was two different posters with the same information, Miss S and Nan. I too was confused and take back the like above. Sorry but hope it clarifies.
I think, too that not seeing the original posters name can lead to confusion. We will get used to the quirks. :D

I lost a post when someone else was posting simultaneously but only once, now a notice pops up letting you know.

Re: Disappearing posts

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2019 8:46 pm
by Nan6b
If, while you're writing your post, someone else posts, your post won't get posted. It'll let you read the new post in case it makes you want to change what you wrote. (That's what it said the first time it happened to me. Now it says nothing but that's what it does.)

Re: Disappearing posts

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2019 6:31 pm
by Sue_CT
I posted in Littlesalt's "hello" post days ago, and today noticed that it wasn't there. So I reposted and this is what happened:

ImageTJ post that didn't post by Susan Albetski, on Flickr

Then I hit "submit" and when I scrolled down the page this is the empty page that came up:

ImageTJ post that didn't post page 2 by Susan Albetski, on Flickr

If I had not scrolled down and double checked I would not have known that my post never posted. What is going on here?

Re: Disappearing posts

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2019 7:04 pm
by Rajun Gardener
I noticed if someone posts a new post while you're typing and hit submit, it doesn't submit and shows you the new post above your box. Could that have happened?

Edited: DUH: the answer was above mine already.

Maybe you have the site gremlins, I don't know. Keep us informed if it continues so I can track it down.

Re: Disappearing posts

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2019 9:09 pm
by Sue_CT
It doesn't show me the new post or show my post again so I can make changes if I want to, it just showed me a blank page. I give up. Clearly it is continuing for what ever reason and for now I am tired of posting and reposting and being careful to make sure I highlight and copy posts so i don't loose them and have to start again. Merry Christmas everyone. I feel like everyone thinks I am nuts, so back to TV, where they already know it.

Re: Disappearing posts

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2019 9:20 pm
by Nan6b
Sorry to see you go, Sue. I think it's either your device or your registration. If you're willing to do a little more testing, I'd suggest posting from a different device, and if that doesn't help, re-registering here under a different email, if possible.

Re: Disappearing posts

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2019 10:11 pm
by Sue_CT
Did not mean pernmenantly, Rajun, just a little break until my frustration disapates a little. This is my only laptop, and it can be days between the times this stuff happens, so sitting at at an old desktop any time I want to visit does not really appeal. Not sure why my device would have anything to do with it, its only a year old and I have no other problems with it, but I guess I don't understand what you think might be causing it, so I really can't determine how likely that it is that. I can't see buying a new laptop for one forum, no matter how much I like it. If it continues I will try re-registering, but will I have to change my user name? I am willing to do more testing, but I know you have your hands full with getting the site up and going so I figured it was better I didn't keep bothering you with this. I will stop trying to post as much until I am a little less frustrated by it. I know you keep saying to let you know if keeps happening but I keep mentioning it and I just start to feel like a pest. So maybe after a little break, maybe lurk a bit, I will feel better. Sorry if I made it sound like I was stopping away and muttering "I quit, I am taking my ball and going home", lol. Just going look around someplace else for a little bit and then come back when I can be in a more positive frame of mind.

Re: Disappearing posts

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2019 10:40 pm
by Rajun Gardener
Don't worry about bugging me or the Mods, that's what we're here for. I'm not as busy as you think and I thought after the final stages of the site transferring over it would fix all the problems.

I want you to try a few things that might fix it.
1. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click delete cookies next to the trashcan icon.
2, Go in your browser settings and delete all the passwords from tomatovillians and tomatojunction and clear your cache, it will be in the history somewhere depending on the browser you use. You may want to delete all browsing history and cookies too. You'll have to log in to all your sites again but it clears up space. Also, when was the last time you defraged your computer? That might make it run faster too.
3. Close out the browser and restart your comp, that should clear everything from memory. You'll have to log in again and save the password but I think it should work.

If it doesn't work, I'll give you a free year membership to tomatojunction and make a new account with the same name!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Just kidding, it should work. :D