Stochastic Contemplations.

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Re: Stochastic Contemplations.


Post: # 119684Unread post rxkeith
Thu Mar 28, 2024 5:55 pm

happens every year.

the store i work at has a green house they put up in the spring, and sell plants out of
during the summer. it is always a race against time and battle against the weather to get
the thing up and ready for plants that start coming in the week of or before mothers day.
the store manager was going to get an early start this year getting the frame up when we were
having some good weather. soon as everything was laid out on the ground prior to set up. it started
to snow. we have had three significant snow storms since then. posts had to hastily be put in front, so
the plow guy wouldn't plow the frame into a crumpled heap. yesterday, i hear the managers end of a
phone conversation with a truck driver delivering a load of dirt telling him we are getting 10 inches of snow
at the moment, and there isn't any way the truck is going to be unloaded that day. he told the trucker to park
the truck in the iga parking lot, its ok, people have done it before. they would unload it in the morning soon as
the plow guy cleared an area for them. the manager said he blocked three other trucks from delivering loads, but
this one snuck through. they still have a month to get everything set up. we aren't done with snow yet. they will get
the frame put up. it will start raining as they are doing it. then they will be ready to put the tarp on, but then the wind
will start blowing 15. 20, 30 mph gusters, and they will have to wait. finally, they will get the tarp on, just before the
plants come in.

every single year


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Re: Stochastic Contemplations.


Post: # 119830Unread post rxkeith
Sat Mar 30, 2024 4:11 pm

when it rains it pours.
vehicle problems.
my wife took the subaru down to florida where my son is at. the oil light came on once she was there.
it shouldn't have because the oil was changed recently, but long drive at 80 mph most of the way, may be
you burn a little more than expected. she is bringing the car to a dealer there to get everything checked out.
mean while here, i have the camry. on the way to evening service the vbs (i think) indicator light comes on signaling
an issue. i thought traction control sensor, no big deal, get checked out. after getting on the highway though. the
speedometer needle dropped to zero, and the dash board lights started winking on and off like it was demon possessed.
more disturbing was the motor was starting to hesitate. i made it to the front of the church, but had to stop before making
the turn into the drive way due to oncoming traffic. and thats when the car died. i ran into the church, and said HELP!!! we
managed to get the car pushed of the road and in to the parking lot. something electrical i guess, either alternator, battery or
something in the wiring. so that leaves me with the truck, an f250 2000 model. haven't driven it much lately, mainly used for
plowing around the farm. it runs. uh oh, brake light is on. problem there is a stuck caliper. right rear wheel was hot. probably
stuck due to inactivity. i can still drive the truck, but it isn't a good idea to drive it much with a stuck caliper. right now, the truck
is all i got that runs. oh, there is the tractor, but i am not about to take that thing on the road.
until i can get things fixed, what is a reasonable distance i can drive the truck. work is four miles, church is about eight. i can always
get a ride to church.
always something, eh.


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Re: Stochastic Contemplations.


Post: # 119850Unread post Sue_CT
Sat Mar 30, 2024 11:22 pm

Gosh, sorry about all that, Keith. I hope things work out and turn out to be on the more minor side, like a battery and an oil filter that wasn’t tightened enough. I don’t have an answer for the truck.

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Re: Stochastic Contemplations.


Post: # 119852Unread post Hornad
Sat Mar 30, 2024 11:46 pm

worth1 wrote: Sun Mar 10, 2024 4:47 pm I recall the time I went through security at the airport in Austin.
The same lady looked at my ID every time.
Then one day she said my ID wasn't good because it looked like a fake name
Seriously call your boss.
Boss comes over and sees my name.
What's the problem?
That's not a real name.
Look I've been coming up to this same person for years and she's never called out my name being fake.
Yes really.
I don't expect her to remember me but she's had a lot of opportunities to call out my name before and never said anything.
He let me pass through and glared at her.
The name she said that was fake was...........drum roll.
You guessed it.
Maybe you could get through the line faster if you changed it to “Price”

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Re: Stochastic Contemplations.


Post: # 120460Unread post worth1
Sat Apr 06, 2024 8:42 am

I worked with a guy for a few years.
We got along great.
He is about 30 years younger than me.
He went to a different company as well as I but thanks to modern technology we always keep in touch.
Yesterday he called me up asking about something he was doing for advice.
He was working 12 miles away.
We talked and I had him come over to my job to pick up what he needed.
He had the hardware and I had the tools.
I gave him the right masonry bit the big hammer drill my big hammer and an extension cord.
Plus instructions.
He sent me a picture thanking me.

Thanks Lee ur a life saver.

I'll get my stuff back whenever.
Probably Monday.
He was really in a bind.
And it made my day to help him.
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Re: Stochastic Contemplations.


Post: # 121839Unread post worth1
Wed Apr 24, 2024 6:19 am

This has happened to me twice in the last month or so.
I held the door open for some older guy and they just glared at me and pushed the other door open to go in the store.
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Re: Stochastic Contemplations.


Post: # 123267Unread post rxkeith
Mon May 13, 2024 5:46 pm

some people in a position of authority can be real jerks.
my wife and son flew home out of orlando, fl early yesterday am.
my wife uses a wheel chair in airports due to impaired gait, and distances between
terminals often being far. she was waiting her turn going through security. a couple elderly
women also in wheel chairs were ahead of her. she observed the TSA officer speaking harshly
to the women. they appeared visibly upset after the encounter. then it was her turn. take your
shoes off she was told. no, i don't have to. i have never had to remove my shoes she replied.
more talk. we never go through the scanner. we opt out for a pat down. the tsa guy had my son
step aside, and then ignored him. my wife said, hey, how long are you going to ignore my son?
more talk. francisco, you messed with the wrong person. you are being reported.
travel via air, has become a hassle these days. people don't have to make it more stressful than
it already is. most people do their job well, and we have had good encounters.
but, some times you encounter a jerk.


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Re: Stochastic Contemplations.


Post: # 123490Unread post worth1
Fri May 17, 2024 7:10 am

The governor pardoned Daniel Perry yesterday after he was declared guilty of murder earlier during the George Floyd protests in 20/20. ... mmendation ... -protester
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Re: Stochastic Contemplations.


Post: # 123734Unread post rxkeith
Mon May 20, 2024 12:25 pm

it is becoming a tough year for the yard birds. i have lost three so far this spring without
catching a glimpse of what was killing the chickens. i finally caught the culprit in the act.
i have a hen that likes to go awol. she wasn't in the coop last night. where she was, i had no clue.
she has showed up in the past. i would see her underneath the bird feeder early in the morning.
thats where she was when i looked outside about 6:30 am. she would go back and forth between the
coop and the feeder. tempting target i thought. my wife got up. about a half hour or so later, my wife
yells, something is getting the chicken. the sounds of distress were unmistakable. i ran outside, and saw
one of the biggest coyotes i have seen in these parts. i took off after it yelling like a crazy person. it ran around
the end of the barn, and paused to see if i was still chasing it. they always pause. they don't run any farther than
they have too. they also like to circle around, and you think you have chased the critter off when they are actually
at the original starting point of the chase. i have learned all this from years of chasing the damn things off the premises.
so, i stayed out there awhile. i will have to start patrolling the premises now that snow is gone and the ground is drier.
this coyote has gotten way to bold, and it is sneaky too. it needs to have its routine interrupted.
the chicken that was attacked survived. only two tail feathers remain. it has a long gash down to the muscle on its back
and some other raw spots. she is walking with a pronounced limp. not a lot of blood loss or organ punctures it appears.
i think she will be ok. chickens can take a beating and survive. i am live, and let live, but if i had had a gun in my hands,
i would have gladly killed the coyote. grrrrrr.


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Re: Stochastic Contemplations.


Post: # 123736Unread post worth1
Mon May 20, 2024 12:32 pm

A couple of houses up they have laying hens and a rooster.
One big red hen is always coming to my place.
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Re: Stochastic Contemplations.


Post: # 123737Unread post rxkeith
Mon May 20, 2024 1:44 pm

The darn thing came back! Up the driveway this time. Real close look at it. One bird has a few less feathers. No harm. This coyote is getting bolder. Probably hungry pups to feed. Just trying to earn a living. Not off my birds dang it.


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Re: Stochastic Contemplations.


Post: # 123738Unread post worth1
Mon May 20, 2024 2:36 pm

Do you own a gun?
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Re: Stochastic Contemplations.


Post: # 123741Unread post rxkeith
Mon May 20, 2024 3:06 pm

my wife was a marine.
she believes in having fire power available if you need it.


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Re: Stochastic Contemplations.


Post: # 123742Unread post worth1
Mon May 20, 2024 3:28 pm

Ounce a Marine always a Marine
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Re: Stochastic Contemplations.


Post: # 123747Unread post rxkeith
Mon May 20, 2024 6:35 pm

my wife is one of the toughest people i have ever met.
that toughness kept her alive after our son was born, and complications set in.
if you want to read something that will scare the crap outta you. look up
disseminated intravascular coagulopathy, but not if you or a family member is pregnant

the birds will be confined to coop tomorrow. none of us will be home during the morning.
they will be let out when i get home from work.


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Re: Stochastic Contemplations.


Post: # 123780Unread post worth1
Tue May 21, 2024 9:42 am

Chip on my Bank card tanked and I ordered new one on Thursday.
Got email on Saturday it'd been shipped.
Mail person dropped it off Monday evening right after I got home from work.
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Re: Stochastic Contemplations.


Post: # 123894Unread post karstopography
Thu May 23, 2024 7:40 am ... es/1652888

Alaskan man killed by female moose.
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Re: Stochastic Contemplations.


Post: # 123901Unread post worth1
Thu May 23, 2024 9:27 am

karstopography wrote: Thu May 23, 2024 7:40 am ... es/1652888

Alaskan man killed by female moose.
People are always getting in trouble with Mama moose.
Several years ago I believe a woman possibly tourist was trampled to death by one in Anchorage.
Alaska is still pretty wild.
It isn't anything to see a beaver swimming in a stream next to a restaurant or even an occasional bear in Anchorage.
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Re: Stochastic Contemplations.


Post: # 123916Unread post worth1
Thu May 23, 2024 4:24 pm

My good friend ordered a fender guitar from Fender and it'll be in soon.
Out of boredom I decided to go to their website and come up with what I wanted.
Lots of choices to have your own custom guitar.
This is what I came up with like I'm really going to order the darn thing.
Only 1900 dollars. :lol:
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Re: Stochastic Contemplations.


Post: # 124602Unread post worth1
Fri May 31, 2024 1:15 pm

Ain't this hoot.
Ford concept station wagon 1964. ... 34652.html
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