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Re: How's your weather?

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2025 6:52 am
by bower
Just 10F / -12C here this morning with windchill -9F/ -22C, but in fact it's not that bad because the wind is quite light. I was out early to put out the garbage. Slush froze to the ground, not as slippery as plain ice thank goodness, and I shoveled the skim of actual snow off it yesterday, and that was ripping cold with much higher winds. The car is a real mess with gobs of ice or snow/ice mixed and frozen to the car like concrete. Enough that I decided not to go anywhere yesterday. Sun is shining this morning. Nice. :)

Re: How's your weather?

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2025 2:32 pm
by rxkeith
blizzard conditions were forecast, and thats what we got.
visibility can be measured in feet at times otherwise a 1/4
mile at best. only venturing outside for critter care.


Re: How's your weather?

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2025 7:19 pm
by bower
We have a snow to rain event coming tomorrow with 10 mm rain that should wash out anything on the ground, temperatures in the 40's F and gusts of wind to 100 kph/ over 60 mph from South. There is not 10 cm/4 inches anywhere here, so very slight, although some is solid ice.
Looks like our first real snowfall/blizzard on Sunday night into Monday. Forecast snow has shrunk from 35 to 26 cm, I guess we'll see what we get. Not a snowy winter yet, but February is the time alright.

Re: How's your weather?

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2025 7:29 pm
by Tormato
It's a mess out there, today, a very heavy frozen granular of about 2 inches, with a top crust. It's supposed to be frozen rain on top of that, later.

The neighbor still hasn't fixed the snow blower. The neighbors, who I have to clear their driveways, are sick with the flu (about 10% of the population currently has it). More snow/sleet/frozen rain is due Saturday into Sunday. But, none of them are leaving their houses until at least Monday. So, I'll have several days to clean it all up, by hand.

Re: How's your weather?

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2025 11:09 am
by Yak54
Sounds like your living the dream. Were all jealous ;)

Re: How's your weather?

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2025 7:53 pm
by Mark_Thompson
Damn, y’all sound like you could use a digital postcard, and a reminder that warmer days are just around the corner!


Re: How's your weather?

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2025 10:55 pm
by pepperhead212
I'm getting sleet and freezing rain, and the temp is 30°, but it's supposed to stop around 2 am, and shortly after, the temp is going up, starting shortly after that! The sun comes out early, and most of anything iced up, will get melted, and the temp is supposed to get into the 40s. I'm not going anywhere, so it doesn't really matter much.

Re: How's your weather?

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2025 3:44 pm
by bower
Blizzard warning in effect for tonight into all day Monday. It will be gusty, however the forecast total of 25 to 30 mm (10-12 inches) is on the manageable side, especially considering there is nothing even ankle deep on the ground as yet.
Going nowhere, obligatory for a day and after that the frolicking begins... but I need my cleats because the underlayer where it remained on the driveway is solid ice. It hasn't thawed any today afaik, so it'll want some sand after the shoveling too.

Re: How's your weather?

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2025 4:50 pm
by worth1
After days of hot weather we're going to cool off some.
If it sends the onions into their second year I have no idea.
But I bet it does.
It was hot enough to almost send them into summer dormancy.

Re: How's your weather?

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2025 6:24 pm
by pepperhead212
All that ice from last night thawed today, since it was at least 44° some of the day. Tomorrow is cooler, then Tuesday is supposed to get icy again, with some snow, but eventually will get into the 40s again, and (hopefully) melt everything.

Re: How's your weather?

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2025 8:36 pm
by rxkeith
about 3 or 4 inches worth yesterday that i blew with the tractor today.
another 4 inches or so has fallen, and continues to fall, so i am behind
where i started the day. it will be there in the morning.
temp in the teens going down to single digits. humidity around 80%.
wind chill sub zero.
yup its february.


Re: How's your weather?

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2025 8:09 am
by bower
About 16 inches/ 40+cm of snow waiting for the shovel out there today.
Temperature is 14F, windchill -4F and it has finally dropped below gale force, presently gusting over 30 mph all the same. Looks like windy all week.
All I did yesterday was the front porch and steps. Wind was full of snow, pointless to endure that.
Now it's all drifted and carved, will be chunky to shovel. Staying too cold for several days, but the shoveling has to be done.
See ya later...

Re: How's your weather?

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2025 10:36 am
by wykvlvr
It was 1F this morning when I let the dogs out with a -18F windchill.. needless to say I didn't leave them out long. Unlike the poodle pack the younger dogs are all short haired except the puppy who is a very short wirehair AND all of them have big prick ears which chill quickly. There is also a fresh dusting of snow on the ground so it looks cold. According to the weather service we won't get above freezing most of this week with a forecast high of 15F and a low for tonight of -2F. Snow showers today and tomorrow with Thursday being clear but slightly warmer before the snow starts over on Friday. Now where did I put that list of things I want to grow this year....

Re: How's your weather?

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2025 10:42 am
by GoDawgs
worth1 wrote: Sun Feb 09, 2025 4:50 pm After days of hot weather we're going to cool off some.
If it sends the onions into their second year I have no idea.
But I bet it does.
It was hot enough to almost send them into summer dormancy.
I'm worried about what it will do to my garlic. They're well mulched to keep the soil cool but the tops are probably pretty confused! After a spate of upper 70's and a couple of 80's it's cooling off again. 45 and misty all day today but back to 60's starting Thursday or Friday.

Re: How's your weather?

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2025 7:09 pm
by rxkeith
everything was fine until it wasn't.
was blowing snow off the driveway today about 4-5 inches when i stopped
to wipe the wind shield on the cab and noticed i was leaking hydraulic fluid.
i got the tractor back to the house lickety split leaving a trail of fluid. called
the deere place, they're busy, can't pick the tractor up till next week. tried
starting the truck, batteries dead, my fault for not running it more often.
i have the battery on trickle charge over night. we will see what the morning
brings. might need a new battery, an expensive battery.

breathe in, breathe out. breathe in, breathe out.
we have good neighbors who can bail us out if need be.
still darn cold, not a lot of snow in the near forecast.


Re: How's your weather?

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2025 7:03 am
by worth1
Definitely wet.
Rained all day and last night.

Re: How's your weather?

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2025 8:07 am
by karstopography
The rain has mostly gone north of us. Warmish today, cool tomorrow and Friday, warm again Saturday, then pretty cool next week with a potential frost for mid week.

Re: How's your weather?

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2025 11:11 am
by Paulf
Over night just over 6 inches of snow with temperatures not getting above mid-teens today and dropping to below zero tonight.

Re: How's your weather?

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2025 11:59 am
by pepperhead212
3" of snow overnight, but well above freezing now, so much is melted off the walks and car, and temp rising overnight, getting up to 50° tomorrow, with rain starting later today. Might get over an inch total, so any snow left, should be melted.

Re: How's your weather?

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2025 12:31 pm
by bower
Finished shoveling the 16 inches today, from two days ago. Still extremely cold. Too cold to do the heart healthy pacing for very long. Too easy to get into beast mode shoveling, coming off in a big brick two shovels high and hanging together pretty well. Multiple breaks for toes and nose to thaw out.
Got up to 20F today but some wicked gusts of wind, I had to stop and turn around until a gust went by. Gorgeously sunny though.
Cold and sunny again tomorrow.