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Re: Nasturtiums


Post: # 18661Unread post SpookyShoe
Tue Apr 28, 2020 7:29 pm

Oohhhhh.....that salad looks good.
Donna, zone 9, El Lago, Texas

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Re: Nasturtiums


Post: # 32450Unread post SpookyShoe
Thu Oct 15, 2020 6:23 pm

I read that some in my area grow these as winter flowers successfully. I'm going to give it a try. I started seeds for two pots today.

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Re: Nasturtiums


Post: # 32520Unread post MsCowpea
Sat Oct 17, 2020 5:33 am

. Oddly enough I’ve never seen aphids on my nasturtiums, and I’ve grown them for years.
Grow them every year. Never had aphids either or any other bug.

I get transplants from nursery as germination is so spotty whether I start indoors or direct seed. I have soaked the seeds, filed them, etc etc.
Done everything suggested on internet. I don’t know if it is the heat that effects them or what. Do you have have any tricks to get a good transplant?

Your salad looks like it came from gourmet restaurant and you would have to pay a lot of money for it too!
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Re: Nasturtiums


Post: # 32573Unread post peebee
Sun Oct 18, 2020 2:18 am

Here, they grow so well & fast that I have to pull them out a few weeks in or they'd take over the entire garden. When friends see the abundant plants they would invariably ask for seedlings, but I warn them to be careful what you ask for. Soon enough, they're complaining about the "weeds" :lol:
I try to avoid them going to seed but I can't get them all. I have probably every color & bicolor & even variegated leaves, but I only planted 1 packet over 20 years ago. They must love the Mediterranean climate here, even with the added drought.
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Re: Nasturtiums


Post: # 32584Unread post MsCowpea
Sun Oct 18, 2020 9:28 am

. They must love the Mediterranean climate here, even with the added drought.
On second thought it couldn’t be the heat/rain as I am not trying to grow them during Florida summer or Sept. Your comment reminded me that starting in October and onwards the weather starts getting much milder. I did start 3 packets inside about 2 weeks ago and nothing has germinated. (I soaked them overnight.). In the past when I direct seed some don’t come up and those that do are spindly and weak looking, yet I can get store transplants , plant them in the same spot, and they do beautifully.

Saw these at extension research center in northern Florida.
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Re: Nasturtiums


Post: # 32596Unread post Amateurinawe
Sun Oct 18, 2020 1:41 pm

Nasturtiums easy to grow in uk, love to just scatter the seed around. Have an area of garden that is "our beach" with shingle, pebbles, grasses, "love in a mist" and a smattering of nasturtiums (haven't managed to get the sea lapping at our shore thou). They have some lovely wild growth and flowers and I find the smell quite fresh and unique. They can be a magnet for aphids at particular times of the year but then that is also good food for other predators - so as long as keep in check its okay.
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Re: Nasturtiums


Post: # 32653Unread post SpookyShoe
Mon Oct 19, 2020 2:45 pm

I use a cuticle clipper to nick nasturtium and morning glory seeds, and soak them in water for about 6 hours. I put the container with the water on a heating pad set on the lowest setting. I get good germination.
Donna, zone 9, El Lago, Texas

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Re: Nasturtiums


Post: # 32658Unread post MsCowpea
Mon Oct 19, 2020 3:58 pm

Spooky Shoes, I will try your technique—nick and soak over heat. Right now I have some in dark, some under lights, on heat, no heat. All were soaked. In past tried sandpaper on them
but maybe didn’t take off enough.
"When we kill off the natural enemies of a pest we inherit their work."
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