Just wanted to update that Golden Sweet is the hands down winner for late sown peas here.
These were planted around the time the garlic came out in early August.
I soaked and planted a random assortment of peas: Tai Chung, Calvert, Golden Sweet and Avalanche. None of the Avalanche showed up - maybe didn't like the heat at planting. The others came on and began to flower early October but were very slow to set any peas. Shown here first week of October.
Keeping in mind it was a warm fall and no frosts until mid or late October. There were many lovely flowers and finally, a few peas.
I only got a handful but the differences were really notable.
Tai Chung was the first to flower, however I only got a couple of peas. They were not as numerous in the mix, and easy to tell because of their pink flowers. They produced clean peas though, even though there was lots of dieback around them.
Calvert only produced one pea, and sadly it was covered in mildew. So it seems too susceptible to those die down late season diseases, and better for warm weather.
Golden Sweet was the clear winner. It set and grew maybe a dozen small pods before our first frost of -2C, which I picked before the frost. I also covered the plants for two frosts of -2C (28F) and put a couple of water containers on the ground to keep roots from freezing. They have now been through numerous frosty nights without any cover and shockingly, Golden Sweet is growing another handful of pods.
Bearing in mind it is now november, and our days are less than 10 hours of daylight, and many days with highs not reaching 50F/10C, I'm very impressed with Golden Sweet as a fall pea.