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Re: Anyone starting some fall crops?

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2020 5:44 am
by Tracydr
ponyexpress wrote: Tue Jul 21, 2020 9:54 am Is there any concern about seeds for a particular plant not germinating well in the warm soil? I'm wondering about peas and maybe cilantro/spinach.
Yes. Lettuce,spinach and peas tend to pout in warm soil better to transplant if planting at end of summer.
Best spinach I’ve ever grown I started in the ground last December. It sprouted and stood there for a long time, then this spring took off like crazy.
Cilantro won’t sprout until cooler and will usually bolt for me right away if it’s hot. All of these plants are very frost tolerant though so that may give you some extra time to work with.
We are growing Malabar spinach this summer. The hotter and more humid it gets the more it’s grows. We are loving it sautéed with fresh garlic and eggs on top.

Re: Anyone starting some fall crops?

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2020 11:53 am
by Pokemato
My husband just finished our new raised beds. Since i didn't know if he'd get around to building them before next year, we hadn't planned on a Fall garden, but now that we have them, we are going to try for a few things. I direct sowed bush bean seed, some new from a recent order, and some ancient seed from packets found in a random bag that had been stored in a barn for at LEAST 5 years. In that same bag were packets of seed for zucchini and crookneck, so we put out a few of those as well. My 9yo daughter will be putting beets and carrots in a new bed of her very own, along with whatever else she decides to try. This garden and that bed in particular are our green classroom and I just want her excited about growing things. I was happily surprised to find that not only had all but one of my new bush bean seeds come up, but at least 15 of the ancient seeds as well! I am planning to at least put out some lettuces, kale and radishes as well.

Re: Anyone starting some fall crops?

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2020 2:04 pm
by karstopography
Cleaned out some worn out plants, a horn worm denuded grape tomato, plus several old diseased peppers that looked like death warmed over. Put out 4 tomato sets in the garden, might do more in a month. Can’t remember which is which. Planted some cucumber seeds, Ashely and a Persian type. Some Moschata type zucchini seeds.

Okra just starting to flower. I put them in way late. Thai Red noodle beans really producing now. Eggplant, black beauty and ichiban, still productive. Butternut squash, no flowering yet as I planted seed in July, but the plant is growing like gang busters. Purple hull peas growing so-so, fighting mites and aphids. Seem to have some other cowpea in the mix, I remember a few seeds being brown.

Various other peppers have fruit. Serrano, Anaheim, bell, scotch bonnet, cayenne, tabasco. The Tabasco has if anything picked up extra vigor in the heat and set a ton of fruit. Aphids trying to mess with it, though.

Still have some open space, not sure what I’ll put in next. Too soon for cool weather crops. Maybe it will be some bush beans or Pepo type zucchini, might be a week or two before I get on that. Still, Glad I am to have something going on in the garden in our rather slow season being high summer.

Re: Anyone starting some fall crops?

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2020 1:38 pm
by maxjohnson
Just kohlradi. And a second round of lettuce later in September when it cools down. Maybe snap peas.

Re: Anyone starting some fall crops?

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2020 2:08 pm
by karstopography
Planted more cucumber seeds, Ashley, Garden Sweet Burpless and a Persian type. Planted some fordhook zucchini seeds, two mounds worth. My tromboncini type never sprouted with two separate plantings. Maybe the seed is bad. Planted a row of emerite french haricots verts, fancy pole beans.

Not sure what I put in next. Still want to put in a couple or few more tomatoes. Have a few of sort of sickly sets I did to choose from or I might just go to the feed store. Might do some bush beans. Won’t likely start putting in cool weather stuff until late October.

Peppers and eggplant looking strong still. Looks like a three simultaneous set on one Black Beauty. Got a twelve foot and growing South Anna butternut squash vine. Looks super healthy, just needs to flower. Might be a week or three away from that. My thai pumpkin looks good too, climbing the trellis, a little behind the squash. Battling aphids on some of the okra. Always something. The Thai Red Noodle beans are unstoppable. Stand too close and risk having a bean wrap around your neck to strangle you.

Re: Anyone starting some fall crops?

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2020 1:55 pm
by karstopography
Romanesco Zucchini seeds, Big beef, Roma sets. Planted Romanesco artichoke seeds in a six pack set container. Put those inside as it is likely too hot for the seeds to germinate outside. Have one small green globe Artichoke plant already out in the garden I have nursed along all summer.

Re: Anyone starting some fall crops?

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2020 8:10 pm
by pepperhead212
I got some seeds planted yesterday for the fall - most said plant indoors 4 - 6 weeks before last frost, but this is early, according to that, but I often plant later than this. I planted seeds for 3 lettuces, cabbage, a cauliflower mix, kale, kohlrabi, bok choy, mizuna, and senposai. Probably some later things, that it's too hot for now, plus those white rutabagas I planted a while back.

Re: Anyone starting some fall crops?

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2020 3:59 pm
by GoDawgs
I've got two each of broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower plants up about 5" tall and another round of the same that I just seeded yesterday. There will be two more rounds of the same, one on Sep 12 and Sep 17.

Then there are two each of collards and kale seeded about 8 days ago and they're about an inch tall. Onion and scallion seed was started three weeks ago and they've been getting regular haircuts.

Yesterday I sowed two 18' rows of bush beans (Provider and Contender). Carrots will be sown about the first week of September as well as some LIttle Gem lettuce and arugula in a window box.

Re: Anyone starting some fall crops?

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2020 12:31 am
by JRinPA
I put in a fat row of fall peas planted into the first corn block. Should help with nitrogen. About 12" apart with drip tape down the middle. The target date I use here is 8/8. The weather made it pointless to sow, then. I got around to it maybe the 12th. They are coming up nicely with almost no rain, again, but the drip tape and some hose water to get them started. The drip tape got a curve in it, and there is visibly lighter germination at that spot. Adjusted that back today. Used up the rest of the 5# bag of cascadia from spring 19 and the rest of the dwarf white snow, from spring...16 or 17. They are a small seed and that 2 lb went longer for the same broadcast of 25/ft, 3" band. I will get more cascadia and oregon sugar pod 2, but I think I'm done with the dwarf white. WIth the dwarf white I'll pass on them because they don't look ready, and then the next picking I end up finding too many that are tough. OSP2 is more to my style, big and broad and obvious to judge.

Now that the peas are coming up they need to get a sheet of AG19 on the ground over them to keep the rabbits off. Later for a trellis I will either use a 5' wide white trellis netting, halved and propped up, or CRW set up. I have found white trellis netting, if set up at near full height, ends up getting knocked over by the wind for fall peas. One row will fall and grow into another, which does not happen in a spring planting.

Besides peas, I have a late corn block that went in near the end of July that is about 12-18" now.

I put pole bean seed at the bases of the outer row of standing corn stalks from my first block. Some are coming up. I weaved up those corn stalks to keep the vertical for a while. The rest of the stalks I chopped and shredded and planted the peas.

I will plant broccoli in the back yard, and it will be immediately covered by agribon tunnel to keep the cabbage moths off. I gave up on Cauliflower. Parsnips are scattered around, and I plan to continue planting beets, lettuce, and such.

Re: Anyone starting some fall crops?

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2020 8:43 am
by bower
We have not much season left, but I have a bed opened up near the back door where garlic has been taken up. I have a few root parsley growing there, which I seeded earlier where I had some garlic misses. I have lettuce and napa cabbage and michihiliXRRK as well as some Kai Lan which were all started a good while ago and more than ready to go out. Also some extra celeriac that didn't get a place earlier. Letting the rain really soak that bed today, maybe transplant this evening if it clears up.

Re: Anyone starting some fall crops?

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2020 10:41 am
by fluffy_gumbo
I'm thinking now about starting the broccoli and collards at the mid Sept. but maybe that is still too early? We probably won't be in the 70s regularly until November. Kale and mustard greens will probably be started in Oct. Then all the direct sow (salads, peas, turnips, carrots) will be in November. Any advice for the SE Louisiana area?

Re: Anyone starting some fall crops?

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2020 3:51 pm
by PlainJane
Too soon for cool weather crops, so I started a few tomatoes a couple of weeks ago. Still getting eggplant.
Pulled out the old pole beans and the new ones are flowering.
Lots of zinnias.