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Re: Disappearing posts

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2019 11:13 pm
by Sue_CT
Last defrag was 4 days ago. I have it set to do it automatically weekly. Not even sure that is really necessary any more because I have a solid state drive now and defragging doesn't work quite the same way on a ssd. But I do it. Cookies quite a bit longer. I found out when I delete cookies it wipes out all the extra "lives" I have been saving in Candy Crush. If I deleted cookies right now I would loose about 85 games. Might need to do that though. Its probably been at least 3 months. If I use the trashcan does it delete cookies on my browser or just on TJ? I use Chrome if that matters. I know how to delete passwords and browsing data on Chrome so I will get that done. Then of coarse a restart is easy. Browser cookies I may need to do, but not unless I have to. Thanks.

Re: Disappearing posts

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2019 11:17 pm
by Rajun Gardener
Try just the site cookies first and see if it helps. It won't change anything else on your Comp.

Re: Disappearing posts

Posted: Wed Dec 25, 2019 12:54 am
by Sue_CT
OK, deleted saved passwords, deleted site cookies, cleared browsing history and restarted the computer. Will see if this helps. Should know in several days if it did, and possibly sooner if it didn't, lol.

Re: Disappearing posts

Posted: Wed Dec 25, 2019 3:50 pm
by hdrider
Please do not defrag your solid state drive. It is unnecessary and actually bad for it, They are limited in how many writes they perform over the life of the drive. When you defrag you are actually shortening the life of the drive without adding to the performance. ... e-2011-11/
Sue_CT wrote: Mon Dec 23, 2019 11:13 pm Last defrag was 4 days ago. I have it set to do it automatically weekly. Not even sure that is really necessary any more because I have a solid state drive now and defragging doesn't work quite the same way on a ssd. But I do it.

Re: Disappearing posts

Posted: Wed Dec 25, 2019 7:03 pm
by Sue_CT
Great, thanks. I will disable that function. Odd that under "settings" it says automatic defrag is the recommended setting. I wonder if that will be changed. ssd's are getting more and more common, so leaving that recommendation there seems wrong since it could actually cause premature failure of the drive.

Re: Disappearing posts

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2019 8:08 pm
by Sue_CT
OK, I want that free year here now, lol. ;) I just posted in MikeUSMC from CT's post when I submitted my welcome post it again brought to a blank page where I could write a post and submit. I went back, it brought my original post back up and I hit submit again and it posted right away. I checked and there was no other post there for several hours so it does not appear to be because I was posting at the same time as someone else. I will check back in a little while to see if there is a double post and it is just taking some time for posts to show up but that seems unlikely since the second time I hit submit it worked immedately.

Re: Disappearing posts

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2019 8:25 pm
by Sue_CT
I am curious how most people post in a thread. I write in the blue outlined box at the bottom of the thread that is located below "Quick Reply", and then click "Submit" to the right of the "Full editor & Preview". Do most people use Full Editor & Preview? There is also a red "Post Reply" button below the ones I use. Do people use that instead of the "Quick Reply"? I am really trying to figure this out and just now realizing there are actually several different ways to post here. When I write in the blue box and then hit the red button I lose what I had written and get a new box to write my reply in. When I hit "full editor & preview" it does what I expect it to do and brings up a new box with my full post in it so I can edit it if I want. If I just hit "Submit", sometimes it posts it right away and other times I get a new box just like I get when I hit the red "Post Reply" button.

Re: Disappearing posts

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2019 8:32 pm
by Rajun Gardener

I don't know what to say. Maybe you were caught in the interweb transfer to the Junction and the gremlins love only you! :lol:

Let me go check the settings, I'll be back in a few.

Re: Disappearing posts

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2019 8:33 pm
by Shule
Do you have any extensions installed on Chrome, or any toolbars? Any malware? Has your browser been hijacked? Well, you probably wouldn't know if it had been without testing.

Can you see if you have the same problem on Firefox and/or Edge? If you don't have the same problem, there are probably some cached files on Chrome causing issues, or else malware. Or, possibly your Chrome version needs updating.

The idea isn't to permanently use another web browser, but if that solves it, we know something is probably amiss with the browser, and we have a better idea of how to approach the issue. Same for testing your account on another computer (it's just to debug—not for use as a workaround, per se).

If you still have the issue no matter what, I wonder if making a new user account would solve the problem.

Re: Disappearing posts

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2019 8:43 pm
by Rajun Gardener
Thanks Shule, that might help pinpoint the problem. I just checked and Sue's settings are good. If the suggestions Shule mentioned doesn't work we can make a new acct with the same name and I should be able to keep all your posts too.

How often does this happen Sue? Is it just random or consistent?

Re: Disappearing posts

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2019 8:47 pm
by Shule
Another thing you can try is use a different user account on your computer (not your TJ account, but your computer login account), and see if it works on that account. If it does, then it's probably a cached file issue, malware, or something. Not to say malware couldn't cause issues across accounts, but it doesn't always.

Re: Disappearing posts

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2019 8:55 pm
by ddsack
I find I generally have fewer posting problems if I use the Full Editor option, not necessarily here, but in other similar forums.

Re: Disappearing posts

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2019 9:18 pm
by Rajun Gardener
I made a change to the time your session expires, meaning the time you have to post replies once you click the reply box and you see your cursor. Let's see if that works.

Re: Disappearing posts

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2019 9:21 pm
by Sue_CT
Its seems random, but relatively frequent. I once went 2 or 3 days without a problem, then it was back. Generally if I make several posts per day it will happen at least once per day.
OK, I will try some of those suggestions from Shule when I have some time off again. Does it matter, do you think, if I keep two browsers open? It would just be faster and easier to switch between browsers than to keep closing one out and opening another when I want to post in TJ. I do not recall ever having problems in Full Editor, but I can't be 100% sure. Most likely I have not had those problems.
I do have extensions on Chrome, Macafee, Adblock plus, and some for maps and directions, honey, and a few others. None are at all new since I haven't added anything in quite some time.
I am not aware of any malware, but I likely wouldn't know about it, as you mentioned. It is certainly possible for some to get by antivirus software. That said, I have never had a problem with viruses before and I am pretty careful and rarely download anything, or follow links in suspicious emails. But anything is possible, I don't believe anyone is immune. I just checked my download folder and in the past month have only downloaded my water bill, and a few of my own photos that were hosted on Photobucket and flckr that I didn't have copies of on this laptop.

Re: Disappearing posts

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2019 9:30 pm
by Sue_CT
I didn't know there was a time limit to post a reply, but since I don't use the "Post Reply" button, not sure if that will help. I am happy to try anything at this point, though. Thanks.

Re: Disappearing posts

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2019 9:36 pm
by Rajun Gardener
Just use it till it happens again and that will confirm to me if the settings I changed worked or not. Let me know if it happens again please!

Re: Disappearing posts

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2019 9:41 pm
by Sue_CT
Sorry, just a clarifying question if you don't mind. Are you asking me to limit my posts to using the red "Post Reply" button for now? Or are you trying to see if the change makes a difference in the way I was previously posting?

Re: Disappearing posts

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2019 9:47 pm
by Rajun Gardener
Post like you always do in the quick reply box and see if it stops.

Re: Disappearing posts

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2019 2:51 am
by Shule
Are you hitting Post Reply instead of Submit on accident sometimes? I think I've done that before. It seems like it would cause issues that match the screenshots.

[mention]Rajun Gardener[/mention]
Can we change the text of Post Reply to just Reply, and put it above the Quick Reply section instead of below it? Or, make it warn people if they have text in the quick reply when they press Post Reply? Whether or not Sue_CT is doing what I said above, I imagine others might accidentally do it on occasion. Hitting the back button, if I hit Post Reply instead of Submit, takes me back to my message, though (so, that's good; I don't believe it did a number of days/weeks ago).

Re: Disappearing posts

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2019 8:00 am
by brownrexx
I use the Quick reply box and hit Submit at the bottom of the blue box and have not had any problems. I use the Full Editor if I want to do any formatting of my post like underlining or bold. Normally I don't need that just for a short post.