2024/2025 Tomato Spoiler Alert

This is a yearly group seed swap event hosted by Tormato.

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Re: 2024/2025 Tomato Spoiler Alert


Post: # 141445Unread post greenthumbomaha
Mon Dec 23, 2024 10:27 pm

I packed up seeds I will not be needing from my local seed library which were requested in wIsh list's. I wasn't going to post in the thread this year because the number of some packets are very limited. No tomatoes or peppers, mostly flowers and herbs.

I was a "Bit" more delayed than usual in mailing out, and this afternoon I broke my upper tooth three back from the center. My dentist just texted, and she is out of town till after New Year. In case someone is needing something in particular from the list, I'll be mailing after the holdiay or pm me for special arrangements. Some varieties will not be listed and remain a mystery!

Lemon Balm 1
Rosemary 7
Mrs, Burns Lemon Basil 15

Dahlia this is what held me up (waiting for the heads to dry wich were still growing in a high tunnel tunnel) includes a mix of open faced deep red and deep orange 2-3 ft, spikey tall peach, tall open faced red, tall white open faced - all are bee magnets and will likely not run true which is where the fun lies 10 packs
Marigold Queen Sophia
Mix : Durango, Sparky Mix , Large Bloom Orange many
Zinnia Cut and Come Again 5
Purple/Wine very large Benray's Giant 10 . 2023
Dianthus This is saved from plant gifted by my neighbor whose favorite flower is Dianthus! A tall, pretty blue/white or neighboring purple/white 10 packs
Edit" Wild Blue Indigo 6 packs

Veggies and greens
Broccoli Di Cicco 5
Romanesco 1
Tatsoi 2018 2
Kale Westlandse Winter 5
Evergreen Onion 2

Garlic Bulbils (saved)
a small baggie of what I think are Asian Tempest from Keene Organics
possibly large Bolted German White bubils
mixed bag hardnecks originally from Keene organics

Rattlesnake Pole Bean 5

Crimson Sweet 5
Blacktail Mountain 5
Sugar Baby 2

- Lisa

Final edit

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Re: 2024/2025 Tomato Spoiler Alert


Post: # 146879Unread post MMurphy
Tue Mar 11, 2025 6:55 am

I’ll be doing my first MMMM swap this year. Spoiler alert- my grow list is below assuming all sprout true to breed. I have a lot more but my Cherokees are the ones I’m most excited for this year

Cherokee purple cherry
Cherokee orange tiger dwarf
cherokee BIack tiger Dwarf
Cherokee Red tiger Dwarf
Cherokee Tiger LARGE dwarf
Cherokee Green pear
cherokee Rose
Cherokee yellow Big Springs
Cherokee Chocolate
Cherokee fuzzy
Cherokee Bi-color
Cherokee lemon
Cherokee Golden
cherokee lime stripes
Cherokee Purple
Cherokee Green
cherokee variegated
Cherokee Rose Green
Cherokee white
Cherokee short steak
Cherokee Butterfly spider
Cherokee red pear
Cherokee yellow pear
Cherokee orange pear
Cherokee pink

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Re: 2024/2025 Tomato Spoiler Alert


Post: # 146901Unread post Tormahto
Tue Mar 11, 2025 12:41 pm

MMurphy wrote: Tue Mar 11, 2025 6:55 am I’ll be doing my first MMMM swap this year. Spoiler alert- my grow list is below assuming all sprout true to breed. I have a lot more but my Cherokees are the ones I’m most excited for this year

Cherokee purple cherry
Cherokee orange tiger dwarf
cherokee BIack tiger Dwarf
Cherokee Red tiger Dwarf
Cherokee Tiger LARGE dwarf
Cherokee Green pear
cherokee Rose
Cherokee yellow Big Springs
Cherokee Chocolate
Cherokee fuzzy
Cherokee Bi-color
Cherokee lemon
Cherokee Golden
cherokee lime stripes
Cherokee Purple
Cherokee Green
cherokee variegated
Cherokee Rose Green
Cherokee white
Cherokee short steak
Cherokee Butterfly spider
Cherokee red pear
Cherokee yellow pear
Cherokee orange pear
Cherokee pink
My guess is that you will have a few people drooling over their keyboards. ;)

Wait until TLC sees this list. I almost guarantee there will be a new themed collective grow out of Cherokees on that forum, next year.

As for varieties I will not need, Cherokee Purple is one. It is likely the single most sent in variety over the years.

I will check on Cherokee Tiger Black/Cherokee Black Tiger to see how much seed I have. I recommend doing a bit of a search on which of the two wordings is more popular. From the little that I searched, almost all listings are for Cherokee Tiger Black. It's the same with Cherokee Tiger Large, and Cherokee Tiger Orange. I realize that you are just quickly getting a list up so there are upper and lower case lettering of the first letter on many words, which is no big deal, here. When it's time to make labels, I hope you can use upper case letters where appropriate. It may not sound like a big deal, but some varieties coming in have labels that are almost like a run-on sentence. If the variety doesn't have upper case letters, I don't know where the variety name stops, and the description of the tomato starts. Or, I'll get the entire run-on sentence with upper case letters.

With the rest of your list, I likely have very few, or none, of them.

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Re: 2024/2025 Tomato Spoiler Alert


Post: # 146908Unread post MMurphy
Tue Mar 11, 2025 2:39 pm

Yes! I will certainly print them the correct way! This is just the way I had them hand written on my grow list and I was able to drag quickly copy all the words from my photo. I won’t send in the Cherokee purple! I forgot I do have Cherokee Peach Perfection as well to send in.

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