Hummingbird feeders for bees

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Hummingbird feeders for bees


Post: # 78515Unread post Whwoz
Wed Sep 14, 2022 5:10 am

This might sound strange, but do those of you who hang hummingbird feeders ever notice many bees around them? I am asking because it is quite possible that we could have a dozen or more hives over wintered here next year.

Let me explain a bit more....we have 4 hives currently from the one aparist, whom checked them today and they are heavy, he is thinking that he will need to split the hives, so we would have 8. No problems, plenty of room on dam bank.

Now two other hives at property for overwintering had there access doors shut, basically starving the bees once they had consumed the honey within. Dead or nearly so, a couple of hives at his home are having problems and are underfed for where they should be at this time of year. Plus 5 hives at sons place in unknown condition. Now not all of these will come here but even if we wind up with just 8 overwinter, the local plant supply will be hard pressed to supply all there needs, hence a hummingbird feeder may serve as a bee restaurant if a need to supplement their food develops.

Any observations from people with feeders would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: Hummingbird feeders for bees


Post: # 78519Unread post PlainJane
Wed Sep 14, 2022 6:55 am

Yes, we did that a couple of summers ago, plus left out shallow plates of the sugar water mix.
They used both. We had to move the plates every day to deter ants but since it was just a couple of them in our backyard it wasn’t a big deal.

Since then I’ve planted a ton more salvia, Cuphea and African Blue Basil and we’ve been able to dispense with the feeders.
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Re: Hummingbird feeders for bees


Post: # 78531Unread post seasyde
Wed Sep 14, 2022 10:18 am

We have noticed that if we accidentally spill even a little bit on the side of the feeder that the bees find it. Also if any sort of sticky juice/soda gets spilled and we miss cleaning it up the bees find that too. I would think that if you leave nectar out intentionally that the bees will be sure to find it.

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Re: Hummingbird feeders for bees


Post: # 78532Unread post Moth1992
Wed Sep 14, 2022 10:26 am

My visitor bees go to the flowers, they dont touch the feeder. Not surprising since the feeder is like a constant warzone of divebombing hummingbirds.

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Re: Hummingbird feeders for bees


Post: # 78548Unread post SpookyShoe
Wed Sep 14, 2022 2:54 pm

I've seen wasps, ants, and lizards, but no bees.
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Re: Hummingbird feeders for bees


Post: # 78551Unread post Whwoz
Wed Sep 14, 2022 5:05 pm

Thank you for the input folks. Gives me a large volume option if absolutely necessary, not too mention the possibility of modifying the packaging a bit @Tormato

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Re: Hummingbird feeders for bees


Post: # 78553Unread post Tormahto
Wed Sep 14, 2022 5:48 pm

An interesting story is that the Queen's beekeeper has informed the hives of her passing, and that their new boss is King Charles III. It's a tradition that goes back centuries, from what I've read.

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Re: Hummingbird feeders for bees


Post: # 78564Unread post MissS
Wed Sep 14, 2022 10:59 pm

I have never had honeybees on any of my hummingbird feeders. Just wasps, hornets and ants. When I had hives I would use a shallow dish with cotton swabs in it so they wouldn't fall in and drown.
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Re: Hummingbird feeders for bees


Post: # 78582Unread post Tormahto
Thu Sep 15, 2022 8:06 am

MissS wrote: Wed Sep 14, 2022 10:59 pm I have never had honeybees on any of my hummingbird feeders. Just wasps, hornets and ants. When I had hives I would use a shallow dish with cotton swabs in it so they wouldn't fall in and drown.
Who wouldn't fall in, the bees or beekeepers? :roll:

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Re: Hummingbird feeders for bees


Post: # 78598Unread post rdback
Thu Sep 15, 2022 10:48 am

@Whwoz I saw this and thought you might find it interesting, just in case you haven't seen it. ... starvation

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Re: Hummingbird feeders for bees


Post: # 79588Unread post MissS
Fri Sep 30, 2022 2:10 pm

Well @Whwoz I can now say that Honeybees are very very happy to use a hummingbird feeder. I have placed just the bottoms out for them too so that they can reach the sugar water easier.
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Re: Hummingbird feeders for bees


Post: # 79631Unread post Cole_Robbie
Sat Oct 01, 2022 8:38 pm

I asked my beekeeper girlfriend and she said it works, but it is better to place an empty bee box on top of the hive that needs to be fed and put the sugar in that. When it is out in the open, you can't control exactly who you are feeding, and sometimes they get excited and fight each other.

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Re: Hummingbird feeders for bees


Post: # 79632Unread post Whwoz
Sat Oct 01, 2022 8:52 pm

Cole_Robbie wrote: Sat Oct 01, 2022 8:38 pm I asked my beekeeper girlfriend and she said it works, but it is better to place an empty bee box on top of the hive that needs to be fed and put the sugar in that. When it is out in the open, you can't control exactly who you are feeding, and sometimes they get excited and fight each other.
@Cole_Robbie , thank you for the information. If we do wind up with a lot of hives here over the next winter, I will definitely be checking in with the owner, but at least I now know of several options if it becomes necessary to supplement their food sources.

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