Elephant's Ear pepper

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Re: Elephant's Ear pepper


Post: # 7157Unread post imp
Mon Jan 20, 2020 8:27 pm

Dry farmed or even with holding water som will improve taste usually with tomatoes. I ordered some of these peppers, hope the order comes through, and if it does, will grow them this year. I love to put up roasted red peppers anyways and really want to try the Ajvar recipe too.
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Re: Elephant's Ear pepper


Post: # 7211Unread post arnorrian
Tue Jan 21, 2020 12:40 pm

If you don't get your order I can try sending it to you.
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Re: Elephant's Ear pepper


Post: # 7241Unread post imp
Tue Jan 21, 2020 4:17 pm

Why that sure is nice of you to offer! It's been about 2 weeks, so I am still hopeful that they are on the way. A teeny bit worried, but then I can wait yet and learn some patience, LOL!!
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Re: Elephant's Ear pepper


Post: # 7378Unread post arnorrian
Wed Jan 22, 2020 3:29 pm

My package from Baker Creek arrived yesterday 22 Jan, sent on 26 Dec. So it's too soon to worry.
Climate: Cfa
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Re: Elephant's Ear pepper


Post: # 7402Unread post imp
Wed Jan 22, 2020 5:37 pm

Patience is a virtue I am short on often enough, but it is not like I can grow them as yet, much too cold yet! I won't worry much until about 2 or more weeks go by if they don't show up. I just have the "grow something" itchy thing right now, so will plant some peas, <grin>.
Together, trees make an ecosystem that tempers the extremes of heat & cold, stores lots of water, & makes a lot of humidity. In this environment, trees can live to be very old. To get to this point, the community must remain intact no matter what.

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Re: Elephant's Ear pepper


Post: # 9680Unread post imp
Mon Feb 10, 2020 12:01 pm

Got the peppers seeds from Serbia and will grow some out this year. Thank you arnorrian or the offer of help and the information about these peppers.
Together, trees make an ecosystem that tempers the extremes of heat & cold, stores lots of water, & makes a lot of humidity. In this environment, trees can live to be very old. To get to this point, the community must remain intact no matter what.

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Re: Elephant's Ear pepper


Post: # 30877Unread post arnorrian
Sat Sep 19, 2020 11:13 am

Pepper for the winter. The farmer I got it from says it's Kurtovka pepper, which is a wild Elephant's Ear pepper (non-selected for uniform size and color). He says he saves the seed. It was 90 US cents per kilo (41 per pound). Got the hole box of 20 kilos for 18 bucks. But undoubtedly the largest ones are on the top. :)

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Re: Elephant's Ear pepper


Post: # 30929Unread post habitat-gardener
Sun Sep 20, 2020 11:28 am

It's a delicious thick-walled pepper! I've been growing Slonovo Uvo for at least 8-10 years. Mine are about 125g. I got the original seeds in a trade via tomatoville. I haven't been bagging my blooms, but so far have been lucky and my seeds don't seem to have crossed.

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