Wow, what a gardening year!

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Wow, what a gardening year!


Post: # 26038Unread post jillian
Sun Jul 19, 2020 11:10 pm

In previous years I grew in ground, raised beds and containers. This year I expanded my in ground growing areas significantly and planted nothing in containers. I haven't been able to devote as much time as I usually do to the gardens, my Dad became ill middle of May and passed away on May 31.
Two weeks later my nephew was in a horrible accident which left him paralyzed from nipple down. He is still in rehab to learn to use his arms to be as self sufficient as possible. It's going to be a long road. My sister (his Mom) has come down with pneumonia and diagnosed with hiatal hernia and is in hospital. I just got home tonight from my daughter's who had surgery on Wednesday. I have been overwhelmed and just haven't been able to devote much time to the garden. Surprisingly, it is simply amazing. It has been very hot and humid but there is no disease except for one Indian Stripe, same thing happened last time I grew it. Plant loaded down with fruit then foliage wilts and dies, bad seed I suppose. 16 varieties loaded down, 22 pepper plants producing like crazy. Same with bush beans, cucumbers, pole beans, okra and cantaloupe. This week I hope to have time to do a bit of pruning and supporting tomato vines that have grown several feet above their 6-7 ft. cages. We have had several storms with heavy rain this week so I need to get out there and spray. Not much time for preserving this year, it's all I can do to keep it all picked. Giving lots away to friends and neighbors, and my chickens. Big Cheef, Orange Minsk, GGWT, Kosovo and Sweet Treats cherry are stand out varieties this year. As well as Juliet. We amended the soil very well before planting this year so I guess that's why it's going bonkers. I am thankful, my garden is my happen place. Please pray for my family 🙏.

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Re: Wow, what a gardening year!


Post: # 26041Unread post Volvo
Sun Jul 19, 2020 11:48 pm

Sorry to hear of your woes but glad to hear the Vegypatch is doing fine , and yes directly planting in the soil allows the plants a longer life i think ey :)..

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Re: Wow, what a gardening year!


Post: # 26068Unread post EdieJ
Mon Jul 20, 2020 11:14 am

Prayers for you and your family. That's amazing about your garden. At least you don't have to be paying $$ for produce.
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Re: Wow, what a gardening year!


Post: # 26083Unread post friedgreen51
Mon Jul 20, 2020 2:47 pm

This is just awful news that your family has been through so much. I knew of course about your Dad, but all of this is just too much.
Will be sending PM. At least the garden has been a bit of bright news this year.

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Re: Wow, what a gardening year!


Post: # 26091Unread post Growing Coastal
Mon Jul 20, 2020 4:09 pm

Wishing the best for you and your family.
Do enjoy your time in the garden when it comes. Lucky you planted in-ground only this year.

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Re: Wow, what a gardening year!


Post: # 26099Unread post MissS
Mon Jul 20, 2020 5:13 pm

Jillian I am so very sorry for your loss and all of the hard times that you are going through. Prayers are most definitely on their way for you and your family. I hope that the burden lightens soon.
I am glad to know that your garden is flourishing to bring you and your family a small amount of pleasure and a great deal of healthy nourishment for your bodies. Try to find a little time each week to decompress in the garden. Gardening is great for the body, mind and soul.
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Re: Wow, what a gardening year!


Post: # 26143Unread post jillian
Mon Jul 20, 2020 10:15 pm

Thank you all so very much for the kind words and prayers for my family. Sister will have surgery later in the week. I spent a couple hours in the gardens today before a storm rolled in. The tomato vines have leaned over sides of cages and hanging down the sides. I need to do some serious pruning, it is amazing how quickly they can become unmanageable with daily rain and missed prunings. Hopefully will have more time this week to tame the jungle. Thank God for Garden Therapy. And again thank all of you!

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Re: Wow, what a gardening year!


Post: # 26151Unread post worth1
Tue Jul 21, 2020 5:57 am

Wishing you the very best Jillian.
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Re: Wow, what a gardening year!


Post: # 26197Unread post GoDawgs
Tue Jul 21, 2020 1:21 pm

I'm so sorry you've had such a tough year. Sometimes stuff seems to happen all at once. At least your garden wants to make you happy and give you the quiet time you need to get out of the torrent for a while. Sending up smoke signals to the Great Healer.

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Re: Wow, what a gardening year!


Post: # 26248Unread post bower
Tue Jul 21, 2020 6:59 pm

Oh my, Jillian! So sorry to hear of all your troubles, but like that good earth you planted in, you will bear it all, hang in there.

You know I never have time to process tomatoes, so I just put em whole into a ziplock bag and into the freezer. Haven't bought a can of tomatoes since I started doing that. They are so easy to use and keep all winter long. Whole peppers freeze great too, no blanching, no bother. You'll be so glad to see them when the season is done. Please take time to eat well, you must take care of yourself with so many relying on you!
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Re: Wow, what a gardening year!


Post: # 26354Unread post jillian
Wed Jul 22, 2020 10:53 pm

Thank you all for the well wishes and prayers. Had a very productive day in the garden, spent nearly the entire day til dark out there. It had to be done while I had some time, hope I can get out of bed in the morning 😨! Sister is waiting for surgery to be scheduled, Covid has slowed everything way down. I will update later on, the kindness here means so much and prayers are much appreciated.
Bower, I plan to freeze lots of tomatoes tomorrow. Jess from Roots and Refuge posted video today coincidentally. She recommends coring and scoring them, so the skins will slip off when thawed(no blanching). I think I will give it a try, thanks for the reminder!

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Re: Wow, what a gardening year!


Post: # 26373Unread post Nan6b
Thu Jul 23, 2020 9:44 am

I recommend coring and cutting into chunks, so they'll thaw quicker. A 1" slice takes way less time in the microwave to thaw than a 3" diameter tomato.

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Re: Wow, what a gardening year!


Post: # 26409Unread post peebee
Thu Jul 23, 2020 6:47 pm

Sorry to read about the stressful events in your family Jillian. I'm glad the garden is flourishing for you without much fuss. Hope things get better soon take care.
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