How's your weather?
- pondgardener
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Re: How's your weather?
@bower We barely got 4 inches, but with extremely cold temps. 12˚F(-11˚C) at 5pm and headed to -6˚F(-21˚C) overnight. And Friday is expected to hit the mid 50's. Hardly know how to dress for this weather!
It's not what you gather, but what you scatter, that tells what kind of life you have lived.
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Re: How's your weather?
We received 4 inches of ice like snow here too. Woke up to -4F at 4am.
Expecting a Sam's Club delivery of 4 items. 4pm maybe? Weather delayed coming up from KC last night.
Expecting a Sam's Club delivery of 4 items. 4pm maybe? Weather delayed coming up from KC last night.
- bower
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Re: How's your weather?
Little storm overnight. Gusting over 90 kph, the 10 cm snow is blown into a few places with others left bare, temperature went above freezing today. Like a March storm. Thaw is in the air.
AgCan Zone 5a/USDA zone 4
temperate marine climate
yearly precip 61 inches/1550 mm
temperate marine climate
yearly precip 61 inches/1550 mm
- karstopography
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Re: How's your weather?
Forecast now has it getting to 24° for next Thursday morning. That’s actually okay and makes it all more simple to handle than a barely/light/marginal freeze. I now won’t have to do anything to protect the tomatoes in place as it would pointless or require monumental/heroic levels of effort at 24° type of temperatures. I should just simply dig up five of the tomato plants with the shovel and put them in big containers in the garage for the duration of the freeze, which is one night. Seven can freeze out in the beds, no big deal, and I’ll use my seven reserve plants to replace those seven that freeze. The math checks out.
The emerite Beans will be toast, nothing to do about those, but beans are easy enough to replant and I won’t be behind schedule, I was a little ahead of schedule on the beans, now I’ll be on time. Timing for a freeze like this is if it going to happen is actually good. Most the winter greens, brassicas and lettuce are finishing up, bolting, done, etc. I can easily cover what isn’t. The Purple majesty and red Norland potatoes are up, kennebecs aren’t yet, but I’ll pile a bunch of loose soil on those that are up already for the freeze. Ought to work. Cucumbers, squash, peppers, eggplant are all still safely in containers and can be put in the garage out of harms way if need be.
Yeah, I got this.
The emerite Beans will be toast, nothing to do about those, but beans are easy enough to replant and I won’t be behind schedule, I was a little ahead of schedule on the beans, now I’ll be on time. Timing for a freeze like this is if it going to happen is actually good. Most the winter greens, brassicas and lettuce are finishing up, bolting, done, etc. I can easily cover what isn’t. The Purple majesty and red Norland potatoes are up, kennebecs aren’t yet, but I’ll pile a bunch of loose soil on those that are up already for the freeze. Ought to work. Cucumbers, squash, peppers, eggplant are all still safely in containers and can be put in the garage out of harms way if need be.
Yeah, I got this.
"No occupation is so delightful to me as the culture of the earth, and no culture comparable to that of the garden."
Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson
- bower
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Re: How's your weather?
I just read it in the news, @karstopography .
Tenth and worst polar vortex incursion for the USA this winter.
Normally 3 or 4 is nasty enough, 10 is a lot! ... his-winter
Tenth and worst polar vortex incursion for the USA this winter. ... his-winter
AgCan Zone 5a/USDA zone 4
temperate marine climate
yearly precip 61 inches/1550 mm
temperate marine climate
yearly precip 61 inches/1550 mm
- karstopography
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Re: How's your weather?
@bower I’m inured to these vortexes, vortices, by now. A way of winter life here for at least the last five winters.
I do wonder why the USDA updated their hardiness zone maps in 2023 and removed my place from the 9a/b line to well inside 9b. We are getting zone 8 cold every winter.
Be that as it may, I’ll do my best to adapt to whatever comes. The timing of this one isn’t bad so I’ll take a small favor like that when I can get it. The 24° and dry is much easier to deal with than the 18° with sleet and snow we got in January. 18° with wet/moisture threatens pipes, infrastructure, transportation and such, 24° and dry not so much.
I do wonder why the USDA updated their hardiness zone maps in 2023 and removed my place from the 9a/b line to well inside 9b. We are getting zone 8 cold every winter.
Be that as it may, I’ll do my best to adapt to whatever comes. The timing of this one isn’t bad so I’ll take a small favor like that when I can get it. The 24° and dry is much easier to deal with than the 18° with sleet and snow we got in January. 18° with wet/moisture threatens pipes, infrastructure, transportation and such, 24° and dry not so much.
"No occupation is so delightful to me as the culture of the earth, and no culture comparable to that of the garden."
Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson
- JayneR13
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Re: How's your weather?
We’re expecting 4-6” of snow over the next 24 hours. Then we’re going back into the deep freeze for at least a few days, to the point that 0F on pantry day will feel warm! I’m going to see a tribute band on Wednesday and certainly won’t be walking! The venue is only a couple of miles from my house and can be a nice walk, but not when the wind chill is -35! Sigh.
At least my hydroponic tomatoes are setting fruit! I found another greenie today.
At least my hydroponic tomatoes are setting fruit! I found another greenie today.
“People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it.”
George Bernard Shaw
George Bernard Shaw
- Whwoz
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Re: How's your weather?
Finally getting a recordable amount of rain here. Half way through February and nothing in the gauge up until today, with temperature around 15C/59F, our coolest day for quite a bit and a bit of a shock to the system after the roughly 38C/100F a couple of days ago
- pepperhead212
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Re: How's your weather?
Rain already, and forecast to continue into tomorrow night, getting close to 60° tomorrow. It's been well over freezing most of the day, so none of this was snow, in this area, but even those areas that got snow, will all be melted, with these temps.
Woodbury, NJ zone 7a/7b
- Whwoz
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Re: How's your weather?
12 mm/0.48 inches over the last two days, brings us up to 125 mm/5 inches close enough since the start of November. No wonder that the place is brown.
- GoDawgs
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Re: How's your weather?
They had forecasted a line of severe storms to come through in the early hours this morning. At 4:30 I woke up and heard a low grumble to the west. Amid all kinds of severe t-storm and tornado warnings, the line came through about 6am with no thunder at all, wind but not 50 mph and maybe 1/2 to 3/4" of rain. It may have busted up things somewhere else but once again we missed all the hoo hah. That's a good thing.
We had that stretch of high 70's and a few 80's a couple of weeks ago, a little taste of spring. But now we're being reminded that winter isn't done with us yet. The next week or so we'll have lows in the mid 20's-low 30's and highs in the 50's. Pretty mild for some of you! But I'm glad to see that the garlic will get more chill hours and soil temp below 60 will keep those danged nematodes dormant.
We had that stretch of high 70's and a few 80's a couple of weeks ago, a little taste of spring. But now we're being reminded that winter isn't done with us yet. The next week or so we'll have lows in the mid 20's-low 30's and highs in the 50's. Pretty mild for some of you! But I'm glad to see that the garlic will get more chill hours and soil temp below 60 will keep those danged nematodes dormant.
- PlainJane
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Re: How's your weather?
Just getting the tail end of a line of storms here too; might be the same one @GoDawgs.
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- Robert A. Heinlein
- Robert A. Heinlein
- GoDawgs
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- pepperhead212
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Re: How's your weather?
It is getting windy here - 30-35 mph sustained, with 55-60 mph gusts. The rain pretty much stopped, with some blue in the sky, in between most of the clouds. I went out and put some more bricks on some things that might be blowing around. Fortunately, it was 59° when I was out there! More heavy rain much later, with a cold front creating the rain.
Woodbury, NJ zone 7a/7b
- bower
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Re: How's your weather?
It was too windy to shovel for two days. Today calm. A few drifts to clear up. Driveway littered with bits of trees.
AgCan Zone 5a/USDA zone 4
temperate marine climate
yearly precip 61 inches/1550 mm
temperate marine climate
yearly precip 61 inches/1550 mm
- JayneR13
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Re: How's your weather?
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“People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it.”
George Bernard Shaw
George Bernard Shaw
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Re: How's your weather?
darn cold, and snowing
another february U.P. ground hog day, and repeat.
another february U.P. ground hog day, and repeat.
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Re: How's your weather?
-1 here in N. IL today and expected to be -11 at night. Absolutely hate the bitter cold and hope it starts to warm a bit after this cold snap.
Tomato and pepper collector
Zone 6a, Northern Illinois.

- rdback
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Re: How's your weather?
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- pepperhead212
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Re: How's your weather?
I was lucky in this area - places all over the area got downed trees and power lines, and a number of power poles, in some towns, with gusts over 70 mph in some areas. Still windy, but gusts "only" in the 40s today. And staying in the 30s - not getting anywhere near 60°, like yesterday, which was the warmest day of the year, so far. And now, that storm on Wednesday into Thursday, which they were originally saying would be our worst snow of the season, they have downplayed it to "chance of snow", and possibly "just misting". I'll take that! Still well below average, and with all that wind, I think I'll wait until it warms up a little to clean up out there.
Woodbury, NJ zone 7a/7b