Planter Boxes for $3

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Planter Boxes for $3


Post: # 144799Unread post GoDawgs
Tue Feb 11, 2025 10:38 am

I stopped in a Dollar General for something and did the usual cruise through their "garden" section to see what they were getting in for spring. Lo and behold, they had plastic planter boxes for $3 each. For the last couple of years they've been $5-5.50. Nope!

They're 21"x7.5"x7.5", plastic and need drainage holes drilled in the bottom but I can do that. The inside diameter at the top is 6", narrowing down to 3" at the bottom. I use these on the front porch for herbs, mainly parsley and arugula but also for starting my sweet potato slips. My old ones are so brittle now after long days in the sun but now I have some ready reserves if they crack. Woo hoo!

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