Green Lynx Spider

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Green Lynx Spider


Post: # 134421Unread post GoDawgs
Tue Sep 03, 2024 11:48 am

I was deadheading the zinnias and found a green garden spider munching on a small bee-like critter. The black markings on the abdomen are just shadows from their legs. They're entirely bright green. The Green Lynx spider (Peucetia viridans) is basically a good garden citizen. They don't spin webs but pounce on their prey like a cat does, thus the name. They like eating various worm-creating moths like cabbage looper moths. The one mark against them is that they also like honeybees but all in all, they're welcome in the garden.

24.09.02 Green Lynx garden spider, Peucetia viridans.JPG

I need to be careful when deadheading the zinnias as I have found them guarding their egg cases hanging under zinnia blooms around this time of year. A few years ago I found one of the egg cases and checked it every day until the babies emerged. Geez, time flies. I just found the photo and it was October 2019! Green Lynx start changing color in the fall. Here are the babies emerging from the egg sac. The more the merrier!

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