Pets Loved and lost.
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Re: Pets Loved and lost.
i have chickens, so know how you can get attached to them.
two come to mind. josephina was an easter egger in our first batch of chickens.
she was my sons favorite. she liked to be held. she would come over to you, and if
you didn't pick her up right away, she would give you a light peck on the leg to remind
you she was still down there. she lived to be nine. alfie was a rooster. he was another one
that liked to be held. he would come running over to you all excited. if you didn't pick him up,
he would run between your legs like a cat, and make a general nuisance of himself. my wife would
hold him in her lap while sitting outside. he would fall asleep perfectly content. he would jump in
the car if you left the door open. he died last year at the age of ten. he was a real good boy.
two come to mind. josephina was an easter egger in our first batch of chickens.
she was my sons favorite. she liked to be held. she would come over to you, and if
you didn't pick her up right away, she would give you a light peck on the leg to remind
you she was still down there. she lived to be nine. alfie was a rooster. he was another one
that liked to be held. he would come running over to you all excited. if you didn't pick him up,
he would run between your legs like a cat, and make a general nuisance of himself. my wife would
hold him in her lap while sitting outside. he would fall asleep perfectly content. he would jump in
the car if you left the door open. he died last year at the age of ten. he was a real good boy.
- Wildcat82
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Re: Pets Loved and lost.
You had some fun chickens.rxkeith wrote: ↑Wed Jun 12, 2024 8:28 pm i have chickens, so know how you can get attached to them.
two come to mind. josephina was an easter egger in our first batch of chickens.
she was my sons favorite. she liked to be held. she would come over to you, and if
you didn't pick her up right away, she would give you a light peck on the leg to remind
you she was still down there. she lived to be nine. alfie was a rooster. he was another one
that liked to be held. he would come running over to you all excited. if you didn't pick him up,
he would run between your legs like a cat, and make a general nuisance of himself. my wife would
hold him in her lap while sitting outside. he would fall asleep perfectly content. he would jump in
the car if you left the door open. he died last year at the age of ten. he was a real good boy.
Here's a picture of my daughter holding her pet Australorp, Annabelle. Annabelle would often fall asleep in her lap.
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- JayneR13
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Re: Pets Loved and lost.
Kona, the Cuddle Bear, crossed the bridge yesterday. He was 17 with stage 4 kidney disease and the only measures left were palliative. So I let him go. He’s with his buddy Morty, lost only 9 months ago. This picture is four years old but he was genuinely happy in this moment. I have no idea why the picture is loading sideways.
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George Bernard Shaw
George Bernard Shaw
- Cole_Robbie
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Re: Pets Loved and lost.
Cute guy.
- MissS
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Re: Pets Loved and lost.
@JayneR13 I'm so sorry that you have lost both of your friends. It's going to seem very empty around there without them about. Big hugs to you and I hope that you find the strength to allow someone new into your life soon.
~ Patti ~
AKA ~ Hooper
AKA ~ Hooper
- JayneR13
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Re: Pets Loved and lost.
Thanks @MissS! I do in fact have someone. Miss Yin came into my life a few months before I put Morty down, and she came into my house a few days after that. She’s a deaf kitty and I’m very glad to have rescued her, but she and Kona never did get along. I’ve had nine months worth of strict cat separation protocols, which I’m glad to be done with! I love Kona but he was old and very sick, and it was time. Miss Yin is making herself comfortable in her new space, she follows me everywhere, of course.
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“People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it.”
George Bernard Shaw
George Bernard Shaw
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Re: Pets Loved and lost.
@JayneR13, it's a very sad day when we have to let any of our furries go and I'm so very sorry. Maybe Morty and Kona will hook up with Herman and they can swap war stories about their human companions. That would be a conversation worth overhearing. Maybe!
And I imagine Miss Yin will spend some time for a while looking for Kona, wondering where a kamikazi attack might come from. But she looks pretty happy in her new digs. Gorgeous cat!

- worth1
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Re: Pets Loved and lost.
We had a big white cat named Precious.
No fighting with the other cats but she kept pretty much to herself or with us.
Got along great with the dogs.
Any faucet with a handle she could turn on to get a drink.
She would believe it or not jump in the shower or bath with you.
Hung out on top of the refrigerator all the time if not outside.
No fighting with the other cats but she kept pretty much to herself or with us.
Got along great with the dogs.
Any faucet with a handle she could turn on to get a drink.
She would believe it or not jump in the shower or bath with you.
Hung out on top of the refrigerator all the time if not outside.
25 miles southeast of Waterloo Texas.
You can't argue with a closed mind.
You might as well be arguing with a cat.
25 miles southeast of Waterloo Texas.
You can't argue with a closed mind.
You might as well be arguing with a cat.
- JayneR13
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Re: Pets Loved and lost.
Pretty smart cat, to be able to turn on the water faucet! I'm sure that didn't help your bill, especially if she did this while you were at work and the water ran for awhile. And yeah, never try to outstubborn a cat! Won't happen.
Miss Yin got some time in the basement this morning, due to loud screaming all night! She vocalizes loudly and often; from what I've read, deaf kitties seem to like feeling the vibration in their silent world. But I'm sorry, every two hours all night isn't cool! And she was capable of a few kamikaze attacks herself. Towards the end, Kona was so bullied that he wouldn't leave my bedroom, even to go potty. So I had his litter pan in my bedroom. Thank goodness for windows and air filters! I had to block the view at the French door by the stairs so they couldn't see each other, otherwise Miss Yin would try to pounce on him through the glass door. So he was pretty bullied at the end too. For awhile he'd come to his favorite window if I was there, but the last week or so he wouldn't even do that. He'd lie on the bed, moving only for food, water, and litter pan. That's no life! While some of his labs had improved, his creatinine and SDMA values had degenerated. He didn't have much time anyway and I wanted him to remember feeling OK and being happy. I spent a lot of time with him the week before so he knew he was loved. And the minute I got home, the litter pan was dumped OUT OF MY BEDROOM!! The things we do for the ones we love-
Miss Yin got some time in the basement this morning, due to loud screaming all night! She vocalizes loudly and often; from what I've read, deaf kitties seem to like feeling the vibration in their silent world. But I'm sorry, every two hours all night isn't cool! And she was capable of a few kamikaze attacks herself. Towards the end, Kona was so bullied that he wouldn't leave my bedroom, even to go potty. So I had his litter pan in my bedroom. Thank goodness for windows and air filters! I had to block the view at the French door by the stairs so they couldn't see each other, otherwise Miss Yin would try to pounce on him through the glass door. So he was pretty bullied at the end too. For awhile he'd come to his favorite window if I was there, but the last week or so he wouldn't even do that. He'd lie on the bed, moving only for food, water, and litter pan. That's no life! While some of his labs had improved, his creatinine and SDMA values had degenerated. He didn't have much time anyway and I wanted him to remember feeling OK and being happy. I spent a lot of time with him the week before so he knew he was loved. And the minute I got home, the litter pan was dumped OUT OF MY BEDROOM!! The things we do for the ones we love-
“People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it.”
George Bernard Shaw
George Bernard Shaw
- worth1
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Re: Pets Loved and lost.
Precious was a very smart cat among many smart cats.
If she was up in a tree at night I would have to go get her.
But she didn't claw or try to hang on or anything.
How she got on and off the rooftop of our neighbors house was amazing
I've had cats all my life and never seen anything like it before or after.
She would leap out from the window seal and reach out with one paw.
Grab the edge of the roof and let her momentum swing her over the top.
Then coming down she would do the opposite to land back on the window seal.
As a kitten she would hang out inside the chimney.
If she was up in a tree at night I would have to go get her.
But she didn't claw or try to hang on or anything.
How she got on and off the rooftop of our neighbors house was amazing
I've had cats all my life and never seen anything like it before or after.
She would leap out from the window seal and reach out with one paw.
Grab the edge of the roof and let her momentum swing her over the top.
Then coming down she would do the opposite to land back on the window seal.
As a kitten she would hang out inside the chimney.
25 miles southeast of Waterloo Texas.
You can't argue with a closed mind.
You might as well be arguing with a cat.
25 miles southeast of Waterloo Texas.
You can't argue with a closed mind.
You might as well be arguing with a cat.
- JayneR13
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- Location: Wisconsin zone 5B
Re: Pets Loved and lost.
I've never heard of cats doing that, no doubt about it! Wow!
“People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it.”
George Bernard Shaw
George Bernard Shaw
- worth1
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- Location: 25 miles southeast of Waterloo Texas
Re: Pets Loved and lost.
My friends and I would sit in the yard and watch her do it.
I've never seen anything like it before or after.
I also had a cat I raised in my pocket because his mother had him in the middle of the night.
It would have died if I hadn't of taken the after birth off its face.
The next morning she came in the bedroom and dumped the new born kitten on my chest and walked off.
That kitten drove her nuts but she would let him nurse.
He ended up sleeping with my dog Bullet in the daytime and is at night.
As he grew older him and his mom and the rest of the dogs and cats became buddies.
In the beginning of this thread is a picture of them all together on the couch after a big play.
Fuzz Tail his mom isn't in it.
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25 miles southeast of Waterloo Texas.
You can't argue with a closed mind.
You might as well be arguing with a cat.
25 miles southeast of Waterloo Texas.
You can't argue with a closed mind.
You might as well be arguing with a cat.
- JayneR13
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Re: Pets Loved and lost.
That one must not have been very big, or your pocket was bigger than mine. Did you name him/her Kangaroo?
This is Miss Yin before I brought her inside. I had a set of neighbors briefly, the kind who moved every April and October, and she was theirs. I suspect they put her out to find food, which they did with their other two cats as well, and she was smart enough to not go back. The kids used to chase her through my yard and I was afraid someone would trip over a hose and break a leg, so I bought her from them.
This is Morty, exploring my deck garden. He and Kona both loved it out there. While Kona was too fat to jump the railing, I had to keep an eye on Morty because he could and would.
Buddies forever! They were a bonded pair and tolerated no other.
This is Miss Yin before I brought her inside. I had a set of neighbors briefly, the kind who moved every April and October, and she was theirs. I suspect they put her out to find food, which they did with their other two cats as well, and she was smart enough to not go back. The kids used to chase her through my yard and I was afraid someone would trip over a hose and break a leg, so I bought her from them.
This is Morty, exploring my deck garden. He and Kona both loved it out there. While Kona was too fat to jump the railing, I had to keep an eye on Morty because he could and would.
Buddies forever! They were a bonded pair and tolerated no other.
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“People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it.”
George Bernard Shaw
George Bernard Shaw
- worth1
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- Location: 25 miles southeast of Waterloo Texas
Re: Pets Loved and lost.
Beautiful kitties.
No it was a wee baby but grew up to be a huge cat.
His name was Bearcat.
Some times he would use my underwear as a hammock when he was a kitten.
I could stuff him in my coat too with his head sticking out.
Followed me everywhere along with the rest of the cats on Boo Boos dog walks.
Boo Boo on the left and Bullet on the right.

No it was a wee baby but grew up to be a huge cat.
His name was Bearcat.
Some times he would use my underwear as a hammock when he was a kitten.
I could stuff him in my coat too with his head sticking out.
Followed me everywhere along with the rest of the cats on Boo Boos dog walks.
Boo Boo on the left and Bullet on the right.
25 miles southeast of Waterloo Texas.
You can't argue with a closed mind.
You might as well be arguing with a cat.
25 miles southeast of Waterloo Texas.
You can't argue with a closed mind.
You might as well be arguing with a cat.
- JayneR13
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- Location: Wisconsin zone 5B
Re: Pets Loved and lost.
“People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it.”
George Bernard Shaw
George Bernard Shaw
- Cole_Robbie
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Re: Pets Loved and lost.
Bernie and I had a good run. He passed away in my arms this evening. Someone threw him out in a bag of garbage in my front yard when he was a tiny kitten six years ago. My german shepherd who just recently passed away was his best buddy, but he liked Rottweilers too.
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- MissS
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Re: Pets Loved and lost.
He left so young. He was fortunate to have been welcomed into your home and heart.
~ Patti ~
AKA ~ Hooper
AKA ~ Hooper
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Re: Pets Loved and lost.
What a beautiful boy. And you can see it in his eyes in that pic with the shepherd that you were his special person. And so lucky you found him!
- JayneR13
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Re: Pets Loved and lost.
What a beautiful boy indeed! He was lucky to have found you. I think people who mistreat animals should be shot, and throwing a cat out of the window in a garbage bag is definitely mistreatment! I hope their karma bites them right in the keester! Thank you for helping. I grieve his loss with you.
“People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it.”
George Bernard Shaw
George Bernard Shaw