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It it advisable to germinate seeds like in a paper towel before putting them into a peet pellet or starting mix? I’m growing indoors in a tent. Got one growing right now thats doing badly. Might start over, but hate to until i understand how these things are supposed to grow. But got plenty o seeds 

- bower
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Re: Pre-germinating?
I don't pre-germinate seeds but I may soak them before planting if they're very old. Otherwise, lay on the potting mix, press them in with a finger, cover shallow with a little more dirt and then spritz lavishly. I use a heat mat but you probably don't need that especially this time of year. Keep them moist enough and they'll be up in 3 to 7 days.
People who like the paper towel method, they have the advantage that they know every seed sown is ready to roll.
So I think there's no "best" here, it's up to what suits you personally.
There is a small risk of seeds going moldy in a paper towel if left too long, and you must be willing to handle with delicacy the sprouted seed, otherwise there's no reason to do or don't except if it suits you.
People who like the paper towel method, they have the advantage that they know every seed sown is ready to roll.
So I think there's no "best" here, it's up to what suits you personally.
There is a small risk of seeds going moldy in a paper towel if left too long, and you must be willing to handle with delicacy the sprouted seed, otherwise there's no reason to do or don't except if it suits you.

AgCan Zone 5a/USDA zone 4
temperate marine climate
yearly precip 61 inches/1550 mm
temperate marine climate
yearly precip 61 inches/1550 mm
- zeuspaul
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Re: Pre-germinating?
I pre-germinate seeds for the reason @bower stated. I want to know that my seeds will likely emerge.
I have never had problems with germinating tomato seeds in just water. I always remove and plant them when they show a tiny sprout. I tried the same procedure with squash seeds with no success so I modified my procedure. Using just water risks drowning seeds due to lack of oxygen? I tried the paper towel method and didn't like it. Difficult access and depending on the brand the paper towels fall apart.
Now I place small pieces of brick cut with a tile saw from a red clay brick into a bath of water, place the seeds on the brick, cover them and adjust the temp of the water. Originally I used small blocks of wood but I think clay brick is a more sterile alternative. So far I have had very good luck using this method. I research various temps for different seeds which does make a big difference with sprouting time.
I have never had problems with germinating tomato seeds in just water. I always remove and plant them when they show a tiny sprout. I tried the same procedure with squash seeds with no success so I modified my procedure. Using just water risks drowning seeds due to lack of oxygen? I tried the paper towel method and didn't like it. Difficult access and depending on the brand the paper towels fall apart.
Now I place small pieces of brick cut with a tile saw from a red clay brick into a bath of water, place the seeds on the brick, cover them and adjust the temp of the water. Originally I used small blocks of wood but I think clay brick is a more sterile alternative. So far I have had very good luck using this method. I research various temps for different seeds which does make a big difference with sprouting time.
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- MissS
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Re: Pre-germinating?
I always got mold when I tried the paper towel method. I just do as has been done for centuries and place the seed in a cell pack with potting soil planted about as deep as a pencil eraser. As Bower states, they will be up in 3-7 days. What works well for some does not work for others so you need to find out which way works best for you.
~ Patti ~
AKA ~ Hooper
AKA ~ Hooper
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Re: Pre-germinating?
I always germinate. I have never had any mold problems. I like knowing they actually germinate rather than waiting for days, hoping they will germinate.
SO GLAD to be back! I was locked out for about three months, for some strange reason.
Missed you all terribly!

Missed you all terribly!

- Frosti
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Re: Pre-germinating?
The one time I tried the paper towel method, I had an abyssal germination rate. I'm pretty sure I did it incorrectly, but I went back to sowing in potting soil and never looked back.
- karstopography
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Re: Pre-germinating?
I’ve never tried the paper towel method. I’ve been content with the germination rates and ease of use with seed starting mix and potting soil.
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Re: Pre-germinating?
I love the paper towel method. I think the secret may be to not have the paper towel sopping wet, but more the consistency of a wrung-out sponge. If I over wet it, I lay it on a towel to dry a little.
I love to be able to look at the seeds every day to see if any are beginning to sprout, and it's nice to know if one has gone moldy so that I can remove/replace it.
Another plus is that I wait for some green to show, and I can reduce the chance of helmet-heads that way
I love to be able to look at the seeds every day to see if any are beginning to sprout, and it's nice to know if one has gone moldy so that I can remove/replace it.
Another plus is that I wait for some green to show, and I can reduce the chance of helmet-heads that way

- JRinPA
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Re: Pre-germinating?
Plenty of seeds? Start some a different way each day. It is good to experiment.
- pepperhead212
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Re: Pre-germinating?
That's what I've done, when experimenting with various seeds, with various chemicals, to see what might speed up the germination. I would usually just use some old seeds, that I wasn't going to grow anyway, and test them with GA-3, H2O2, KNO3, and some plain water. I cut strips of paper towels, and fold about 8 thick mats, and put in petri dishes - before that, I would do it in spoons, in a ziploc bag. Here are some old photos of both methods:

Woodbury, NJ zone 7a/7b
- worth1
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Re: Pre-germinating?
Not tomato seeds but I soak okra seeds until they sprout.
There's another conspiracy theory going around I did it with other (certain) seeds as well years ago but there isn't any evidence.
There's another conspiracy theory going around I did it with other (certain) seeds as well years ago but there isn't any evidence.
25 miles southeast of Waterloo Texas.
You can't argue with a closed mind.
You might as well be arguing with a cat.
25 miles southeast of Waterloo Texas.
You can't argue with a closed mind.
You might as well be arguing with a cat.
- JRinPA
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Re: Pre-germinating?
When the seed are valuable, you gotta give your all.
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Re: Pre-germinating?
Love paper towels for squash, 4 o’clocks, peppers and tomatoes. With tomatoes also put in small yogurt cups in potting mix. I always pre start edamame, peas and pole beans in small containers. When I start them in the ground they often rot if we get a lot of rain. So many ways work well but I find “the quicker picker upper” is the best paper towel. Holds together well. Keep it moist but not soppy wet and most seeds will germinate.
- JayneR13
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Re: Pre-germinating?
Paper towel all the way! I prefer to know there’s a sprout in that pot.
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George Bernard Shaw
George Bernard Shaw